Some people look for signs of spring in their yards, parks, or other places in nature. Flowers bloom, the grass greens up, and leaves begin to pop out of trees. Sports fans, however, look for baseball to return as their indicator Spring has sprung. It’s been a long offseason but baseball, and spring, are finally here. Players are excited and ready to compete in the sport they love.

However, one downside to that is that they have to leave their families for long periods of time. The season is long and cross-country road trips can keep baseball teams in hotel rooms instead of their hometowns for weeks at a time. That means long stretches without seeing their WAGs, or wives and girlfriends. In honor of those women, we’ve put together a list of some of the WAGs of baseball’s biggest stars. Stick around for some bonus former MLB stars and their significant others. Flip through the list and learn a bit about the women behind your favorite players.
